Join Us

1. Criteria for MBA Membership:

Companies must be engaged in the production or manufacture of palm biodiesel. They must be currently in operations and shall also possess a license to manufacture and store biodiesel in Malaysia by the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) or the relevant Ministry.    

Companies associated with the palm biodiesel industry in any way such as production, manufacture, supply of chemicals, store, transport, trade, finance or in any other way of mutual interest to them and the palm biodiesel industry; shall be eligible to be admitted as an Associate Member of MBA.

2. Entrance Fee and Annual Membership Subscription

a) Entrance Fee: RM 2,000.00
b) Annual Subscription Fee: Ordinary - RM 6,000.00
                                        Associate - RM 2,000.00

The entrance fee and membership subscription is to be remitted to the Association together with the submission of the application form. The payment of the entrance fee and membership subscription is to be made payable to Persatuan Biodiesel Malaysia (MBA).

3. Supporting Documents

For Ordinary membership application, it must be supported with a copy of the manufacturing license and also the certification / verification by your company auditor on the declared installed capacity stated in the membership application form.

4. Membership Application Forms

To join the MBA membership, please download and complete the application form and submit it to the MBA Secretariat's office together with the entrance fee and first year subscription fee:
a) Ordinary Membership Application Form
b) Associate Membership Application Form

Find Us

Malaysian Biodiesel Association (MBA)
Wisma FMM,
No. 3, Persiaran Dagang, PJU 9, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

(t) +603 6286 7200
(f) +603 6277 6714